August 19, 2015

The Cramps ›  

Bad Music for Bad People- The Cramps

One of my favorite bands of all time- They Completely changed my life

The Science of Relationships- He is really that into you

The most punk rock thingyou can do is have a good relationship- Ru Paul to Henry Rollins


This is the edited version of a note I sent to a friend the other day. It is the snapshot of the current science on how men react in a relationship

FB screwed up the numbering for some reason.


The last 5 years I have been studying a lot of neuroscience and the science of relationships.Here is a brief snapshot male brain chemistry when a man is in love.His experience is a lot different than what you are experiencing.Knowing what he is going though can help you in your relationship with him. This stuff is basic biology and hard wired into your fiance.


1. When he first saw youhe knew you were hot in 1/2000 th of a sec. This is faster than conscious thought.


2 .When you first kissed him or touched him you transmitted a hormone to him. This hormone islike a key. This hormone activates areas in the brain center. If the hormone key fits then a biochemical chain reaction happens in the brain center. The serotonin and dopamine levels are elevated. He basically has a similar effect to being on drugs. Yes Love is a drug.Then a series of chemical switches comes into play. The two of you are now in a bio chemical feedback loop. You are in reality one. His brain chemistry is now physically altered.


  1. The first thing is his focus is on you totally. No other woman matters ( Yeah). He thinks about you every 3 sec or more. You only think of him every 7-30 min. Every time he thinks of you he gets of shot of serotonin and dopamine and some other hormones. He may act a bit differently kind of like Buggs Bunny in the cartoons.

  2. He will want to protect you from harm. His brain chemistry is now such that he will do any thing to protect you and even risk his life in doing so. He also may be jealous of any other male friends you have that he sees as a threat. ( He may never had experienced this before and it can be confusing.

  3. He will want to give you gifts all the time and provide for you financially. This is hard wired mammal behavior in males.


  4. He will want to build a home for you. Men that had no interest in decorating now like shopping. Again this is hard wired .


  5. He is older so he will bond to you a lot more than a guy in his 20's or 30's. Older men form 40% stronger bonds with their mates due to changed hormone levels. Natures cruel trick is that over 40 women form weaker bonds by 30%.


  6. These chemical changes last about 3 years.


To keep the bond strong and long lasting two key things you must do.


  1. Tell him you love him every day. This is really important. Do things for him every day. Love is a daily action. Friendship is the basis of love. Congratulations your fiance is the best friend you will ever have. IT is the best.


  2. Do anything to be together as much as possible. Take some time off work and spend as much time together as you can. This strengthens the biochemical feedback loop. You are a chemical unit. Very important for the first 2- 3 years


That is the science of love in a nutshell.

April 24, 2015

Dandy ›   Jimi Hendrix ›   Vintage ›  

How It All Began- Dandy In The Underworld

I had a love of fashion at an early age. I think part of it is being brought up Catholic and getting dressed up for Sunday and going to a place where the priests wore these fantastic robes and spoke in an ancient tongue. I always liked to look good and growing up in the early 60's was the height of the mad man era. Men still wore hats and women never went out unless they had on their make up. I was a big movie fan too and watched the 4:00 Money Movie and all those great 1930's and 40's movies were on with the great clothes.  I also loved to go shopping with my mom at Lord and Taylor. I would go thought the racks of clothes and kind of pervy love the feel of the fabrics. Kind of like a John Waters character. Then I went and studied art as a kid. I loved any thing Italian and I thought when I grew up Sophia Loren would be the perfect girlfriend for me. Italians seemed the have the art and style thing down. The times were changing.

Music started to become a big part of my life when I was 9. I really did not like rock music growing up. I was a folkie. Burl Ives and The Weavers ruled. I was a folkie until I heard Jimi Hendrix. Purple Haze turned my world around. I still get chills when I hear that song. The album cover hit me too. Three freaky guys in these wild clothes. They looked like time travelers. I was ready to board the Rock and Roll Space Ship.

To Be Continued - Film Noir - King Crimson and More


March 16, 2015

Captain Midnight Is Up to Some New Tricks

Captain Midnight and his friends Bot Bot, Ghost 7, Foxy Pirate ,Sun and Moon will be having weekly adventures in our new comic strip here and on the internets. 

February 21, 2015

Spring ›   Summer ›   Vintage Cotton ›  

Wow Our New Spring Dresses Are Coming In.

I know it is super cold out there but a cat can dream of the sunshine. We will have all our sping line of dresses up this week. 40 cool dresses for cute kitties. Meowkers

February 11, 2015

Say Hello To Bot Bot

Say hello to Bot Bot. He is a cybernetic organism with a big big heart. He loves to chill during the day and rock out at night with his best friends Captain Midnight and The Ghost. He is a hard worker making interstellar dance music. Destroying boredom with The Dark Lords of Infinity and armed his trusty EMS VCS3 and Korg Mono Poly.  Boing Boom Tschak Ping. (Bot Bot is trademark of Steve Metz)
January 12, 2015

Who Is Captain Midnight?

Captain Midnight brings the LUV. By day he is an ordinary cat. Likes to sleep in his favorite chair and listen to his favorite music. He is a bit of a music snob and will howl a bit if he does not like what he hears. He is a bit of a trouble maker and will steal a piece of fish now and then. At night he changes. He only speaks French and turns into a crime fighter and champion of the lonely. Stay tuned for some of his adventures and cartoons.  ( Captain Midnight is trademark Steve Metz)